Dental Implants in Chicago
Let’s face it, surgery isn’t the most calming prospect out there. But sometimes it’s necessary. For instance, if self-conscious is crippling you to the point where you can barely crack a smile, maybe it’s time to do something about it. With that said, take the first step by reaching out to Northwestern Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, PC about dental implants in Chicago IL. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.
What’s so wonderful about dental implants? A fair question. In fact, you might also be wondering not only what’s so great about them, but also why wouldn’t you just get dentures instead. Let’s explore that. Dentures are a highly-recommended for folks whose budgets have seen thicker days. And for those lean moments, by all means…treat yourself to what you can afford. But keep in mind. That affordability is misguiding. Sure, you’ll spend less upfront, but dentures can be a hassle to maintain in tip-top condition. Use a brush with the slightest bit of abrasion, and you risk the dentures getting deeply scratched. Not to mention, you can’t ever skip a single night of dipping them in cleaning solution. Oh…then there’s the stability—or lack thereof. Dentures aren’t known for hanging tough during those moments you’re playing tug of war with a thick, tough piece of meat. Implants on the other hand are built to last for the long haul. Not only that, since they’re attached to the jaw bone, you’ll never need to worry about them flying off mid-bite. They hang tough. Find out more about them by contacting Northwestern Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, PC and check out our dental implants in Chicago IL.
Sound good? Our patients certainly think so. All you have to do now is phone or e-mail Northwestern Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, PC. Then you’ll be a hop and a skip away from dental implants in Chicago IL.
Northwestern Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, PC
676 N. St. Clair Suite 520
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 926-6333
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